Unity Tutorial 07

In the first tutorial of this week  I created the scene as so that  was for the viewer to be able to move the camera in  full circle, giving users a panoramic perspective of the area.   The player was created by wrapping a spherical with a texture   After that, I added code to allow the player to move forward and backward.

The second section of the tutorial had me working towards making the player be hunted by the enemy, who would spawn in various spots across the island.

After that, I made a component   Whenever the player comes into contact with a power up, it will disappear and an indication will appear 

Powerups, in my opinion, are a very prominent and also quite important item to have in games.

It's something I can see myself utilizing in my games, and I'm definitely going to attempt to include it into the gold coins I'll be using in my game.

As a whole I found that this week there was quite a lot of coding to work through and I admit that I needed to rewatch some videos more than twice to fix some of my code that I was writing wrong . I’m still, finding it difficult to obtain so much information every tutorial  as it seems to keep flying out of nowhere but I do seem to be getting the hang of it a little bit more each week . 

I think it’s easier to use my own code on my own game rather than using the Tutorials .Having a clear image of my own game and my own files somehow makes everything seem so a lot more in place and clear .


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