Unity Tutorial 2

 I recently finished my first Unity Task for this module. I found it difficult to use my laptop while creating these steps as there are so many controls and I feel it would be so much easier to use a mouse .It was difficult and frustrating at times  but I absolutely loved learning so much more about the creation process   

By the end of this tutorial, I was able to code my way into allowing the car to move left ,right , up, and down as well and turning at an angle .

A new feature that I  learned in this tutorial that really made it seem like a game was being able to incorporate the players decisions and controls of the game . I am really excited to figure out what is in store in the next tutorial .

Something that I found quite difficult in this tutorial was the amount of code that I needed to remember . Although the tutorials are fairly easy to follow along with , there is so much new code that I am expected to already have an understanding of . It was overwhelming.

I do think however that as I progress on will be able to pick up on the code and I will feel comfortable with creating my own game using that same code.


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