Unity Tutorial 5

unity screengrab image taken by me 

This weeks tutorial was primarily script-based .In the last tutorial I found myself having to  have to watch the videos extremely carefully while adding code to the scripts .when I first started following these Unity lessons i must have rewatched each video at least three times.,but now I've found that I can actually follow along much easier .

In this lesson we had to finish lesson 3.2 .I learned how to use the spawn manager's code to make the background clone by itself.

After figuring out the game's principles, it was time to concentrate on the backdrop and developing a message for whenever the player collides with an object. I began with the background, I wrote a script to cycle the background continuously while resetting the location of the background items and keeping this on a smooth loop so the gameplay wouldn't slow.

I was able to make a pause in the background and item spawning once the player collided with the obstacle using script communication.

Overall, I found this week's job to be quite simple to comprehend and finish. 

I think I'm becoming much more comfortable with coding a game and it definitely feels less daunting than it did in the previous tutorials.


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