Unity Tutorial 10


image taken by me

While creating my game the past few weeks I have been saving my game on a different computer and testing the games on both of these platforms to ensure they work .

I keep however running into the same problem with my game every time I try to transfer my files onto another laptop . I am not sure if there is an error in my code or a problem with the laptop . 

I searched for different unity tutorials that explain mass and physics as I thought there might have been an issue with the way I coded my obstacles in rigidbody .

This trial explains the absolute basics of mass and it helped me to figure out what I was doing wrong. I had not frozen my y axis to ensure that the obstacle would not sink into the floor when I added a high mass and gravity . I do think this tutorial helped me out greatly .

At this point I am almost certain that my game is just about ready to be unloaded , so I think this may be the last unity tutorial I will need this semester to help me finish my game.


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