New Assignments and New skills

Image by Erik Van Vulpen

My first opinion on this whole course and all of the work required is that I am so excited to get going. I absolutely love the way this module is laid out in the sense that we determine what grade we get and at all times we are aware of our progress.

Creating a blog and a Twitter page at first sounded quite daunting and to be honest made me feel slightly vulnerable knowing that people would be constantly seeing my work. It is absolutely safe to say that my opinion has changed.

Creating my own blog and putting my own personal twist on the style, colour, and layout of everything makes me feel like I have this sort of personal diary that I can express myself in whatever way I want. I am going to make sure that I treat this blog as a hobby and not an academic requirement. That way I know that I will always be excited to update my blog and see what new layout appears after I hit the publish button.

I find it quite refreshing to just turn on Spotify and write about whatever I’m feeling at that time. So far my favorite posts have been the mindset growth topic we covered. I absolutely love everything about the brain and how humans think about life, so to be able to gain a little knowledge that I never knew before was fascinating and very valuable.

Right now, my Twitter page is quite sad looking and I am going to commit this weekend to make it not look like I’m being forced to write tweets with a gun to my head. Unlike the blog that only my classmates will see my Twitter page can be seen by anybody in the world and, to be frank, I feel slightly embarrassed tweeting as it’s not really something I’ve ever done before. I know that I have to get over this stupid fear and the only way to do that is to tweet!

The extra credit assignments on this module look quite fun to be honest. I’m most drawn to the H.E.A.R.T assignments and the Wikipedia trials. The Wikipedia trails are such a unique idea and kind of feels like a little treasure hunt through the internet. God knows where I'll end up.

I am going to try to complete as many of the extra tasks as I can, I have my homework diary and checklist ready and organised with every week and every task so there’s no excuse for me to miss any now.

The game that we are going to develop throughout this module sounds very overwhelming right now alongside all of this work but if I just keep on top of things and stop overthinking I’m sure I’m going to be obsessed with creating it soon enough.

This module is definitely going to keep me on my toes, but so far so good.



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